Saturday, October 27, 2007

Vanity vs. Info

While researching personal or “vanity” blogs, I came across the website live journal. Live journal is the epitome of vanity blogs. I looked at the user principessar’s blog, which solely had to do with her feelings and what has been going on in her life. The most current blog of hers had to do with her worrying about grad school and then it went on to give a recap of the events that happened the last week or so…and let me tell you a lot went on!

I absolutely love to travel and I love Italy, so when researching information blogs I came across the blog Wandering Italy. This information blog had had people’s opinions on al dente pasta as well as one about a man who dumped paint in Rome’s Trevi Fountain. Although these blogs aren’t “vanity” they still have to do a lot with people’s opinions on certain subjects.

I think the key to a good info blog is knowledge of the subject! If you don’t know what you are writing about, don’t write it, or learn about it. When it comes to vanity blogs it’s not that hard to make a good one. If a vanity blog is all about the person who is writing it then you can’t really go wrong.

I still think that blogging supports journalism so i would rate this research material as a 4, and I wouldn't changed my thesis.

Here are the links to the two websites

Vanity blog:
Information blog:


Alejandra Ledesma said...

I do agree with you in the fact that you believe that blogging supports journalism. However, I think that this is far from traditional journalism. I think that they relate because just as traditional journalism, blogging presents information written by a single author, who probably was monitored by 2 persons or by nobody. How can we know that the content of his story is 100% real? Blogs are different from traditional journalism in a sense that the information presented comes from many different people, not just from one source.

rebecca said...

That's so funny that you came across live journals. Almost 5 years ago I remember it being a huge hit with my high school, and every one was getting into it. It was right before myspace hit. I had almost forgotten about it!

I totally agree with you on what makes a good info and vanity blog. I don't think you can go wrong with vanity blogs either, because it's more of just the person expression themselves. There is much more pressure in dealing with an info blog because the facts have to be accurate.

Great post!